Sciences at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa for a DHR sponsored research project titled
“Development of a therapeutic bacteriophage carrying the Phi11 holin to combat Drug Resistant
Staphylococci Infection”, R.11017/10/2023-GIA/HR.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Malabika Biswas
Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Sumit Biswas
Broad area of Research: Molecular Biology and Microbiology
Duration of the project: Three years
Fellowship Amount (Rs.): Project Associate: Rs. 31,000 per month + HRA for eligible candidates
Last date of Application: 11th October, 2023
Address to apply: Interested candidates may send application and curriculum vitae with details of
research experience to the principal investigator ([email protected]). The position is now
open and will be closed on selection of a suitable candidate.
Qualification: Masters in Life Sciences/ Biological Sciences/ Allied subjects
Selected candidate will get a chance to apply for PhD degree at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa
Campus (Rules of PhD program for BITS Pilani are applicable)