MUFGGlobalService PrivateLimited
Established in 2020, MUFG Global Service Private Limited (MGS) is 100% subsidiary of MUFG Bank Ltd havingoffices in Bengaluru and Mumbai. MGS India has been set up as a Global Capability Centre / Centre ofExcellence to provide support services across various functions such as IT, KYC/ AML, Credit, Operations etc. toMUFG Bank offices globally. MGS India has plans to significantly ramp-up its growth over the next 18-24 monthswhileservicingMUFGs global networkacrossAmericas,EMEAandAsiaPacific.
The MUFG Group is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all applicants and employees anddoes not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, national origin, physical appearance, religion, genderexpression, gender identity, sex, age, ancestry, marital status, disability, medical condition, sexual orientation,genetic information, or any other protected status of an individual or that individual’s associates or relatives, oranyotherclassificationprotectedbytheapplicablelaw
PositionTitle:Manager/ AVP-DepositsCorporateTitle: AVP
Reportingto : Vice President-DHLocation :Bangalore/Mumbai
Control and monitoring of operations to ensure smooth and proper functioning of the department consisting of all products includingMISanddatamaintenanceforinternalreporting.Tomanagetheteam,approve transactionsandexecute dailytransactionstoensurecustomers transactionsareprocessedinatimely manner.Also,providinginputstooperationsprocessesorsystem enhancementforoperational efficiency and conducting robust investigation on incidents to mitigate operations risks.Maintain healthy competition,promote interactive knowledge sharing sessions in the department, encourage staff to showcase innovative ideas and talent andrecognize andrewarddeservingstaff.